
The smile of Chingotto and Galan: “A reward for our journey”

Thrilled by their triumph at the BNL Italy Major, the champions reflect on the first part of their partnership. "We have only been together for seven tournaments," says Ale, "and we are continually growing. Number 1? It's a long journey; better to focus on the day-to-day." Chingotto: "Great joy, but we are not satisfied yet"

24 giugno 2024

La premiazione del tabellone maschile del BNL Italy Major. Da sinistra: Angelo Binaghi (presidente FITP), Federico Chingotto, Ale Galan e Luigi Carraro (presidente FIP) (foto Giampiero Sposito)

Mister Cheerful, Federico Chingotto, always has a smile on his face, 24/7. Ale Galan less so, but after the Roman final, he seems to have caught his partner's contagious happiness. They won their first Major together, which means a lot to both of them. The Argentine confirms that he can truly be a giant, and the Spaniard shows he can reclaim the top ranking even without Lebron, despite those who criticized him for changing paths. “Am I the best in the world? No,” he responded in the press conference, “it’s the team that wins. A partner like Fede helps me perform at my best. We are a great pair and we are very eager to keep winning”.

“I am very happy about our first Major victory together,” Chingotto said, “because we are a pair of hard workers. We commit every day and we are doing things very well. With Tapia and Coello, there is great balance: sometimes they win, other times we win. This title is a reward for the journey we have made so far, but we are not satisfied yet”.

“I don’t remember,” Galan added, “a rivalry like this in recent years, with so many matches between the same two pairs. Sometimes one wins, sometimes the other. We always manage to reach the final because we know that to aim for the number one spot, we have to be at 100 percent all the time. The goal is the top, but the journey to get there is still long and complex. So, it’s better to think about improving day by day, setting short-term goals. After all, Federico and I have only been together for 7 tournaments. We are constantly improving, and we will take stock at the end of the year.” If they had to do it today, the new partnership is already a success, even beyond expectations, with the most coveted Major as the cherry on top.


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